Galactic Conquest
This thing I think people are waiting since Battlefront Elite Squadron. Galactic Conquest would be one of the big game modes and this version,I think it would be the best one, just because it would add a lot of new features for this mode and here are the things that you would do on this mode:

- Create your own characters.
- Build the buildings for the military, and for the population.
- Build armies and fleets.
- Technology improvements for buildings, soldiers, vehicles, weapons, fighters, and cruisers.
- Heroes
- Earning credits from the planets
- Unique things on the planets
- Setting turrets, defenses, trenches, and buildings. “You can fly to your various planets, walk and inspect.” Also ask the population what they need to do, etc.
- Creations, customization of their legions, fighters, and fleets.
- Create a Superweapon (like a Death Star, Base Starkiller or Eclipse)
- At the release of the game will be available single-player and cooperative 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1.
- After release would be added multiplayer to 12 people as soon as some small and large fractions like the Zann Consortium would be released.

Here is the list of planets that would be on release and that some of them would release after launch of the game (AR-After Release):
- Naboo - Tatooine - Coruscant - Kamino - Geonosis - Kashyyyk - Utapau
- Cato Neimoidia -Felucia Mustafar -Polis Massa (AR) -Mimban -Vandor (AR)
-Kessel (AR) -Lah’mu (AR)
-Ring of Kafrene (AR) -Jedha -Eadu (AR) -Scarif -Yavin -Alderaan (AR) -Death Star I
-Hot -Dagoba - Bespin - Death Star 2 - Endor - Sullust
- Supremacy - Umbara - Wayland - Mon Calamari - Rakata Prime - Dantooine - Planet sith
- Coriban - Lizerien - Grangorzk - Brentela (Prologue and In-Game) - Lothal - Ruusan
- Malachor - Malachor V
There are a lot of various multiplayer modes that you can play and enjoy alone or with your friends. I take a note from various forums, like Battlefront Reddit and decided what modes would be on release and also if need, release modes that people would ask:

Grand Modes
Grand Invasion
Let's start with one of the big requested modes since 2007 and weren't released at this time. Grand Invasion is a 300 player mode that you need with your teammates destroy the whole enemy base and enemy fleet and stations (if they are in the map) and yes. In this mode, you could fly from ground to space and from space to ground and there wouldn't any line scenarios and restrictions for this mode, and players would act as they want.
- 300 players in one map
- The average size of the ground part of the map - 2.5 km
- Protect your buildings, fleet, and stations from the enemy and destroy the enemy one.
- All kinds of weapons, vehicles, starfighters, and cruisers.
- All kinds of heroes.

For those, who are played Battlefield and Battlefront games, this is the same mode and this mode for those, who want and like classic scale battles and without need to go to space. The task is very simple. Capture command posts and hold it before enemy tickets will go down.
In all maps posts vary between 5 - 9 depends on what planet are you playing. 64-200 players

Space Battles
This mode for those who want only space battles without need to go to the ground. There are various scenarios, but mostly it is destroying enemy fleets, space stations, and flagships, like Eclipse, Death Star, or Supremacy.
- 200 players in one match.
- As in Grand Invasion, you have choices on how to destroy enemy cruisers and stations. From inside or outside. You can destroy with bombers, or from cruisers, or go inside from hangar or penetrate it from specific places of cruisers with pods or jetpacks to have a surprise attack to the enemy.
- For your control, you have fighters, bombers, interceptors, speed bombers, unique starfighters, transports, and cruisers (about capital ships didn't yet decide but we will see).

This mode for those who like a lot of Rush and Galactic Assault modes. Assault is a multistage mode that has various objectives that you need to do with your teammates.
- 200 players
- Various objectives and 3-5 stages, depending on what planet and side you are
- On mostly maps, aerials wouldn't be available.
- All planets has own maps for Assault mode.

Small Modes
Team Death Match
Classic Team Death Match.
- From 5vs5 to 20vs20
- Only Soldiers, No heroes.

Free for All
Classic mode. You are by own and you need to gain the first place to win.
- From 5 to 30 players.
- No heroes
Another classic mode. Kill the enemy to gain a new gun and win those, who will gain the final weapon and killed the enemy.
- Random weapons
- From 5 to 30 players
Heroes Battle
Team deathmatch, but only heroes from all eras and all universes.
- From 5vs5 to 20vs20
- No soldier and special classes
Heroes Duel
You or your 2, 3 friends are fighting against enemy round by round. Wining those team, who gain all 5 winning rounds.
- 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4
- Only heroes

Mixed Modes
Pod Races
Basically this is the whole racing game, where you can upgrade and customize your own pod car.
- From 2 to 20 players
- Various maps and planets.
Classic mode from Battlefront 2 (2005).
- From 20 to 50 players
- Planets available for this mode: Naboo - Gungans, Geonosis - Geonosians, Tatooine - Tuskens, and Jawas, Endor - Ewoks, Felucia, and most requested thing, Coruscant - Order 66.
Mixed Eras
Every small and grand modes, but mixed with various factions.
Event modes
Various serious and funny modes and events.