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The Begining. 


Hello There.

Before I will begin I just want to say, that currently, I'm not working in any game company or studios and I created this big concept to show what game I'm imagined, came up with and what game could be created to bring happiness and pleasure not just all Star Wars fans, but also all gamers who don't know Star Wars Lore. 


First of all Battlefront 3 would be a super-large-scale progressive game not seen in this world, with innovative things and with long support, which is important in nowadays, because by my opinion, create one game and support it with content many years is far better than paying every 2-3 years for a new game with same engine and little innovative things.




All Universes. All Eras.


This game would have all Star Wars Universes and all eras. 

George Lucas Star Wars Universe

Expanded Universes

Nowadays Star Wars Universe

Star Wars: Important Person Universe 

And one of the main things is this game is non-canon due to the concept of all universes in one game, gameplay moments and provide full freedom for all players and developers.


Game genres of this game would be 1-3-person shooter, adventure, action, adventure, strategy, racing, and horror. More about it all bellow. 

About After Release support. After the release, support for the game would be in the form of a faction, historical battles, new factions for Galactic Conquest, cutscenes, interactive. Adding heroes, customization, equipment, weapons, planets, and some modes. And support content of this game would be about 10 years.

What is Star Wars: Important Person Universe and what does this mean for the game?


Star Wars: Important Person is an epic art story, that's happening in the alternative SW Universe and contains characters, places, events from Nowadays Canon, Expanded Universe, and has own things, but more grounded and primarily for adults. It focuses on old and new generations of the Galactic Empire characters and explorer the deep story of the aftermath of the Clone Wars, one of the darkest and heroic wars for 1000 years.



And here are the reasons why I decided that content from this universe should be in this game too?

Reason 1: Major events, new planets, and battles. This universe contains major events, new planets, and battles that weren't in any SW media for example Battle of Grangorszk (one of the stories that I'm making right now), where Republic forces were heroically protecting this planet from the Separatist Invasion led by General Grievous.



Reason 2: Characters. Original characters from this universe have big story and development and of course, I would be happy to put them as heroes with other familiar characters that appearing in this universe as Kyle Katarn, Orson Krennic, Jerek, and Trilla, but in different appearances.


Reason 3: Weapons and Vehicles. Yeah. Despite that, we already have a lot of weapons and vehicles for example Republic, I created some of the new weapons that need to be added like Anti-Material sniper rifle for destroying enemy vehicles and of course new attachments for all rifles.

The Basis. Continuity.

This game itself would be one of the biggest Star Wars game that ever existed. One of the key moments is to forget that this is a game series that usually comes out when new movies are releasing. This game is about to show and make it feel what Star Wars makes great and unite everything great that has all SW Universes despite all various opinions, give it all and let people play to this game as they want and have fun.

The numbers of the content.

- Planets: 30-50 at release. More than 100 after the finish of the support.

- Factions: 10 at release. More than 20 after the finish of the support.

- Heroes: More than 100 at the finish of the support. About 30-40 at release

- Vehicles, stations, buildings, and Cruisers: More than 50.

- Weapons: More than 70. 

- More than 40 historical battles of all eras.
- 5 classes of soldiers. 1st class padawan - Jedi and sith (only the clone wars and the old republic).

- Unique soldiers with their own settings, like Death Troopers.

- More than 100 weapons for infantry and specials. soldier.

- More than 500 units of customization items for heroes, infantry, equipment, and buildings. 


This game would have a big prologue. This prologue would show and teach all main mechanics that has this game, like shooting, flying, controlling vehicles, boarding to the enemy ship with special pods (you can also land to the hangar as you want), some of the abilities of soldiers, lightsaber fighting system and so on. I already wrote a script on how it will go and here are some of the artworks that I did for this prologue.   



And here is a list of the factions that would be on the release, but of course more cool factions would come after the launch of the game:

BBY - Before the Battle of Yavin


- The Old Republic (4000 BBY)

- Sith Empire (4000 BBY)

- Galactic Republic

- Separatist Alliance

- Galactic Empire

- Rebel Alliance

- New Republic (Expanded Universes)


- Imperial Remnant


- New Republic (Nowadays SW Universe)

- First Order

Single Player

In theory, this thing would give the player complete freedom of his actions and in a single-player game he could do what he/she wants, but because of the already expensive project, there are two development options:
1. Release along with the game, but the price will be increased to 80-90 bucks / euro.
2. Release separately from the game.

Historical Battles

I think that this mode should be from the beginning and should have new things, that this mode would be much more interesting and you could play it alone or with you friends or against others groups or clans and here what I came up with:

- Small and huge battles.
- Selection of the sides. 

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- At the first launch, there will be a huge video explaining the events, their reasons, and cutscenes with characters. After passing the clips can be reviewed in the battle menu.


- Before the battle, you will be given the opportunity to select, change, move various units, equipment, or in the case of defense to place various defenses, turrets, and turbolaser guns. - - In some battles, if your character dies, you switch to another in the style of the prologue BF1.
- There are some moments that are available only in Single-player.
- This mode is available in single-player, in coop up to 40 people and in multiplayer up to 120 people only in groups/clans.

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